FAIR Chemical Data for All

A special issue of the Data Intelligence journal released January 31, 2020 is dedicated to the FAIR Data Principles. The issue highlights implementation initiatives in different communities of practice; including the IUPAC Subcommittee on Cheminformatic Data Standards (SCDS) and the Chemistry Implementation Network (ChIN), co-authored by members of the Committee on Publications and Cheminformatics Data Standards (CPCDS).

On numerous occasions, the Secretary General of IUPAC has highlighted the strategic importance of Cheminformatics and of IUPAC work in developing the tools and standards that will be needed by chemists and chemistry in the world of big data. The Executive Committee shares this view and supports IUPAC acting as a lead organisation of ChIN. Last year IUPAC endorsed the Manifesto of the Chemistry GO FAIR Implementation Network and this fits very well with IUPAC obligation to provide the tools for communicating chemistry.

Taking FAIR on the ChIN: The Chemistry Implementation Network’ by Simon J. Coles, Jeremy G. Frey, Egon L. Willighagen and Stuart J. Chalk shows how the this work is developing. (Data Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, Winter-Spring 2020, p. 131-138; https://doi.org/10.1162/dint_a_00035)

Since 2016, SCDS has been building momentum in IUPAC and the chemistry community through coordination of several workshops and symposia on the topic of FAIR, including a symposium on Digital Chemistry at the 2019 World Chemistry Congress in Paris (https://iupac.org/fair-data-in-chemistry/).

A second paper in that same issue of Data Intelligence entitled ‘Growing the FAIR Community at the Intersection of the Geosciences and Pure and Applied Chemistry’ by Shelley Stall, Leah McEwen, Lesley Wyborn, Nancy Hoebelheinrich and Ian Bruno highlights collaborative work of IUPAC with the American Geophysical Union that emphasizes the importance of Scientific Unions, standards bodies and societies in taking deliberate steps towards adoption of the FAIR tenets in scientific research communities. (Data Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, Winter-Spring 2020, p.139-150; https://doi.org/10.1162/dint_a_00036)

Data Intelligence is Open Access. All content is freely available in electronic format to readers across the globe. The Special issue Winter-Spring 2020, Vol. 2, No 1-2, 2020, is available at https://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/dint/2/1-2.

This is your insight into the FAIR world that is coming to you!

Taking FAIR on the ChIN: The Chemistry Implementation Network
Simon J. Coles, Jeremy G. Frey, Egon L. Willighagen and Stuart J. Chalk

Growing the FAIR Community at the Intersection of the Geosciences and Pure and Applied Chemistry
Shelley Stall, Leah McEwen, Lesley Wyborn, Nancy Hoebelheinrich and Ian Bruno

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